Every pregnancy is different…
...so your pregnancy care should be tailored to you, based on both what you want and need, as well as what's best for your baby. Throughout your pregnancy your doctor will regularly talk about your wishes and goals, and work together towards these goals. At Anaria, we believe in 'informed choice', and will always provide you with the information you need, in language that makes sense, and is easy to understand.
This is really important as you'll be fully informed about benefits, risks and likely outcomes of any given course of action, which will help you make decisions confidently. In order to receive this personalised care, the number of pregnant patients each doctor cares for each month is limited
Early on in the pregnancy, your appointments will be 4-6 weekly, then more often as you get beyond 30 weeks. If you're worried or if we're monitoring a variance, you'll be seen as often as needed. At each of your appointments we'll check on you and your baby's progress, as well as performing an ultrasound to check on your baby, and ensure that everything is progressing as it should be.
At Anaria, we like to have a relaxed consulting and communication style. We want you to feel comfortable, and encourage you to ask any questions you may have about your pregnancy (trust us, we've heard them all!).
Our doctors, Andrew Zuschmann, Amani Harris, Dean Conrad, and Nancy Peters share weekend and holiday cover. We all practice obstetrics in a similar way, so you can be assured your plans for labour and birth will be respected.
Anaria consulting rooms are located a very short walk from both Kareena Private and Sutherland Hospitals, which is where our patients will be admitted. We know your time is precious, so we always endeavour to keep to our schedules. In the event that we've been called into the hospital for a birth or other emergency, our reception team will phone you to let you know that we're delayed.
The specialist doctors at anaria are supported by a friendly team. You’ll meet Monika, our practice manager, and receptionists Jane, Brooke, Hayley, and Ruth, along with Joanne, our practice midwife, and Dale our urodynamics nurse. They will be your first point of contact to help you schedule your appointments, ultrasounds and organising any tests that you many need along the way.
Joanne, our practice midwife, provides patients with an educated and experienced insight into pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. Jo and Andrew have worked together for over 25 years. You are welcome to call Jo during office hours for advice by calling the practice phone number.
It’s the little things
Convenience and comfort are so important when you are expecting or if you have just given birth. We have undercover parking with lift access, so you won’t need to drive around the block looking for a parking space.
In order to commence a personal approach to your pregnancy, we want to hear from you as soon as you find out you are pregnant. This will enable us to talk to you about everything you need to know, answer any questions you may have and book your first appointment with the doctor of your choice. We like to see you quite early in your pregnancy, ideally between 6-8 weeks, especially if you have had previous medical issues, pregnancy problems, or miscarriages.
During your first appointment we will
Review your medical history
Check your blood pressure
Perform an ultrasound to confirm how far along your pregnancy is
Arrange any necessary and optional tests
This will also be a great opportunity for you to ask any questions that you might have. Please feel free to write a list that we can work through together.